The Meta-Narratives


Building A Universe:

Imagine, if you will, a world full of beings that possess supernatural abilities. Now, imagine a universe full of these worlds and these beings. That is what I have been doing for over a decade now; slowly shaping and crafting this universe and the stories that connect those beings and worlds together.

At it’s core, The Meta-Narratives is my project of building a fictional universe through a series of novels and short stories that tell an expansive multi-generational story centered around the conflict between Terrestrians and Demons.



The Inhabitants:


Human beings that inhabit the vast universe. As the most populous of all fully sentient beings in the universe, they have drawn the hatred and contempt of many other races during their vast expansion onto new planets. While many terrestrial planets remain isolated in the universe, a vast majority are governed by one of two inter-galactic bodies known as the Universal Union and the Galactic Federation.



A race of beings defined by their attunement to the dark energy of the universe as opposed to any sort of physical characteristics. At their creation, they typically took on the form of whatever beings they were in contact with. At one point in their history, the Demons were scattered across the universe and were commonly sought out and destroyed by whatever beings inhabited their planets. A powerful Demon, named Dramora, would unite the Demons and give them a central home from which they have lived for millions of years.


Terrestrians that have acquired unnatural abilities that allow them to manipulate the very fabric of the universe. While the abilities of these beings are vast in range and type, they generally fall into one of four categories: Physical, Mental, Elemental, or Energy manipulation.


Creatures of an Assorted Nature

Given the vastness of the universe, Terrestrians and Demons can hardly occupy every planet fit for life. Though most avoid contact with the two constantly warring factions, some have made themselves very well known; such as the gelatinous Illimuiens, the massive arachnid-like Archeans, and the mighty space faring Dragons.



Questions I Might Be Able to Answer:

If you have any questions about this project or any of the stories involved, feel free to email me. I would also love to hear some feed back about the works that get published or posted.